
Sunday, February 9, 2020

இரக்கமும், பரந்த மனப்பான்மையும் கொண்டவர்களே ஆன்மிகநெறி வழி நடக்க தகுதி படைத்தவர்கள்.

* அன்பு இல்லாத இதயம் வறண்ட பாலைவனத்திற்குச் சமமானது. * மன வங்கியில் அன்பு என்னும் பணத்தை முதலீடு செய்யுங்கள். அதுவே பாதுகாப்பான முதலீடு. யாராலும் திருட முடியாது. * பெண்களைத் தாயாகக் காண்பவனே மனிதர்களில் முழுமை பெற்றவன்.
* மனிதனைப் பேரின்ப நிலைக்கு இட்டுச் செல்லும் ஆற்றல் நல்லொழுக்கத்திற்கு மட்டுமே இருக்கிறது.


அன்புறவுகள்... எல்லோர்க்கும்.... என்றென்றும் அன்புடன்.! இனிய காலை வணக்கம்! ..உரித்தாகுக

பாதுகாப்பான முதலீடு எது....?
09 Feb,............

Constantly remind yourself, “I am the embodiment of Divine Consciousness”. - Baba

நாம் எல்லோரும் பரமாத்மாவின் ஒரு துளி ஜீவாத்மா என்பதை எப்போதும் இடைவிடாது எமக்கு நாம் நினைவுபடுத்திக்கொண்டே இருப்போமாக......

To resurrect love and compassion, you must kill jealousy
and selfishness, and purify your heart. - Baba

09 Feb 2020
பெருமைக்குரியவர் யார்?

* கடவுளால் தான் கோவிலுக்கு மகிமை உண்டாகிறது. கோவிலால் கடவுளுக்கு பெருமை உண்டாவதில்லை.
* அறிவு, அறியாமை இரண்டையும் கடந்தால் ஒழிய கடவுளை அறிய முடியாது.
* மனதில் எப்போதும் போராட்டம் நடக்கிறது. அதை அடக்கியாளக் கற்றுக் கொண்டால் வாழ்வு சிறக்கும்.
* பாராட்டிற்கும், பழிக்கும் செவி சாய்த்தால் மகத்தான செயல் எதையும் சாதிக்க முடியாது.
* இயற்கைக்கு பணிந்து போக வேண்டாம். அதை வெல்லவே நாம் மனிதனாகப் பிறந்திருக்கிறோம்.
- விவேகானந்தர்

As true and sincere spiritual aspirants, how should we lead our life? Bhagawan sweetly and firmly reminds us today.
People experience joy and misery through the ear. Therefore, avoiding the cruel arrows of hard words, one should use sweet, pleasant and soft ones. And to that softness, add the sweetness of truth. Making the word soft by adding falsehood only clears the way for more misery. A person who has become a spiritual aspirant should use very soft, sweet, true and pleasant words. Such a person can be recognised by their good qualities. Thus, of those who have become spiritual aspirants, the mind (manas) is Mathura (birthplace of Krishna), the heart (hridaya) is Dwaraka (Krishna’s capital), and the body (deha) is Kasi (Benares).
- Prema Vahini, Ch 43.

Sathya Sai Baba
Consider all your acts as worship. Duty is God, Work is Worship. Whatever happens,
accept it gladly as His handiwork, a sign of His compassion. - Baba


09 Feb 2019.........................

What is the subtle purpose behind idol worship? Bhagawan lovingly explains so we know the value and also be aware of the need to go beyond them.

Our ancients enquired into the nature of Divinity through many paths, but were not successful in recognising the reality. Hence, they started worshipping Prakriti (Nature). Thereafter, the Bharatiyas took to murti aradhana (idol-worship). Every creature that takes birth in this universe has a form (murti). Idols are inert in nature and do not possess the qualities of compassion, love, forbearance, etc. It is for this reason that some people are against idol-worship. This is ignorance. Are you not worshipping the pictures of your parents and grandparents? Do these pictures have life in them? No. Nor do they have the qualities of compassion, love, sacrifice, etc. Then what is the point in worshipping them? It is through these pictures that we are reminded of the virtues and ideals they stood for. You use your forefinger to point to a specific object, say, a flower or a tumbler. Similarly idols are like pointers to Divinity. Once you recognise Divinity, you don’t need the pointers. Such being the case, is it not foolish to object to idol worship?
- Divine Discourse, Mar 12, 2002.

Sathya Sai Baba
To resurrect love and compassion, you must kill jealousy
and selfishness, and purify your heart. - Baba


09 Feb 2018.....................

Is the spiritual path extremely difficult? Bhagawan explains and encourages us so that we may be focussed in our approach.

Of what avail is the study of the Upanishads and the Gita if there is no transformation in our thoughts or way of life? You must examine where all your spiritual practices are leading you to. There must be an urge to change and progress towards a higher state of consciousness. In reality all are embodiments of Sat-chit-ananda (Truth-Consciousness-Bliss)! Your real ‘I’ exists in all the stages of waking, dream and deep sleep. But in dream and deep sleep states you are not conscious of your body. The entity that exists in all three states undergoes no change. You must try to understand the nature of this ‘I’. You may regard this as extremely difficult, but if you have dedication and perseverance, it will be quite easy. There is nothing in the world easier than the spiritual path. But when there is no earnestness, it appears difficult. Hence Gita declared: Shraddhavan labhate Jnanam (The earnest aspirant acquires the Supreme Wisdom).

- Divine Discourse, Feb 16, 1988.
நாம் எல்லோரும் பரமாத்மாவின் ஜீவாத்மா என்பதை எப்போதும் இடைவிடாது எமக்கு நாம் நினைவுபடுத்திக்கொண்டே இருப்போமாக......
Constantly remind yourself, “I am the embodiment of Divine Consciousness”. - Baba


We often perform various forms of worship and rituals. Will they suffice to grant salvation? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

Mind control, restraining the senses, transcending the worldly dualities, forbearance, unwavering faith, and equanimity are the primary virtues that must exist in a true spiritual aspirant. In addition, there must be an intense longing for liberation (moksha). This longing cannot arise from riches or scholarships. Nor can it emerge from wealth, progeny, rites and rituals recommended in the scriptures, or acts of charity. Moksha can come only from the conquest of ignorance (ajnana). A person might master all the scriptures along with all the learned commentaries written on them by experts, or propitiate all the gods by performing the prescribed modes of worship and ceremonies. But this cannot grant the boon of liberation. Just like a person who may have every ingredient needed for cooking, but if fire is not available, can he prepare the meal? Success in acquiring self-knowledge alone can confer salvation.
- Sutra Vahini, Ch 1.

Sathya Sai Baba

The goal of liberation can be attained if you walk on the stepping stones of devotion, wisdom, renunciation and the knowledge of Reality.

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